• If you want to have a great day, start it right. A great practice is to get your digestive system started with a tall glass of water with a tablespoon or so of lemon juice or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar added.  This has a detoxifying and alkalizing effect on the body and is cleansing for the liver and other internal organs.
  • I love to start my day with at least 15 minutes meditation. This gets me in a good frame of mind, helps release stress and basically makes me feel happier as I start my day.
  • Try to make the core foods in your diet fruits and vegetables. Good quality protein is important, and if you are choosing to eat meat an animal protein make sure it’s balanced with lots of fresh veggies to avoid creating an acidic condition in the body.
  • Try to cut down on SUGAR! Sugar comes in many guises – glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose and fructose are all sugars.  Read labels on packaged foods and try to use natural sugars that are less processed and have some nutritional benefits such as honey, maple syrup and natural fruit juices.  A little honey from your local area taken daily acts as an antihistamine for those affected by seasonal allergies.
  • Organically grown foods are always the best choice as the toxic chemicals that are sprayed on foods are stressful on the body. If you don’t have access to organic fruits and veggies, you can soak them for up to 10 minutes in a basin of water with about ¼ cup apple cider vinegar added as this helps remove some of the pesticide and toxic chemical residue. You can also find organic fruit and vegetable washes in most health food stores.
  • One thing I can’t stress enough is the importance of CHEWING your foods. Digestion begins in the mouth – the enzymes in the saliva start to break down the foods and prepare them for the next stages of digestion in the stomach and intestines.  To get the most nutritional benefits from your foods, chew thoroughly before swallowing.  If your weight is an issue, this is also very beneficial, as you tend to eat less and fill up more quickly if you’re chewing rather than gulping your foods.
  • If you’re living in an area where you don’t have easy access to healthy foods, try to find some “kindred spirits” – people of like mind. You can form a co-op and find a source for bulk ordering your foods.  This makes them a lot more affordable.  I have seen this system work very well in remote areas.  Alternatively, you can direct your local grocer to a source for ordering these foods.
  • Eat consciously. I’ve seen people slouched in front of the television with a newspaper in one hand and eating with the other.  Take time to give gratitude for the food and savor the flavor in each mouthful – your digestive system with be much happier and healthier.
  • A good quality knife is a really worthwhile investment. You don’t have to be a professional chef, but it makes cooking so much easier.  Shop around and choose one that feels good to hold and has a nice weight to it.  Take good care of it – don’t wash it in the dishwasher – always wash and dry it before putting it away.
  • Remember to take a deep breath and smile regularly – it’s the best face lift and not only does it make you feel happier and more positive but it has a positive effect on people around you!
  • Prepare your foods with love and gratitude. Think of food as the fuel that gives you energy to sustain you throughout the day.  I truly believe that food is the best medicine.